Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Hey guys. I just started this blog to help me keep track of my physical progress, and to easily show others.

I am 16, turning 17 on June 30th and I live in Sydney, Australia. I train in Muay Thai,with a background in Taekwondo but wanted to move on. I hope to some day get into the professional circuit, that would be great.

I am training myself almost specifially for Muay Thai with my weights sessions and cardio. After weighing in for a sparring competition at a tiny 56kg (with socks, shorts and a shirt on, after a meal) I wasn't able to be matched with anybody in the adult division. I decided to put on some weight to get into the higher, and more competitive weight division.

Since starting out at around 54kg-55kg at 7% bodyfat, I have gotten up to 57kg at 8% bodyfat. Roughly worked out, that's about 700 grams of fat gain, to about 1.25kg of muscle gain.

Here is a picture of me before I started trying to put on some of the weight;

As you can see, the muscle definition isn't too bad, but the size is weak.
I hope whoever reads this will follow me in trying to achieve my goal.
Thanks, Liam.


Glen Junkie said...

keep posting!

Anonymous said...

yo dude ... im on the same track, i dont even know u but we could work together .... do u have a dead line?

my blog is http://elgordito-info.blogspot.com/ ... let me know dude. I post daily.