Monday, August 13, 2007

August 13 - Damn it...

The camera batteries are dead and I'm sick. I'll hopefully be over the cold by Wednesday or Thursday, I'll train lightly until I'm over it.

None the less, I weighed myself this morning at 56.8kg, But I was pretty dehydrated and hungry, so we'll see in a few days.

- Liam


Glen Junkie said...

Hey dude,

I was reading up a lot on bodybuilding forums and trickstutorials, so I thought about a lot of things..

Why not just bulk first? don't cycle. Like, limit cardio to once a week until you're done with your bulk. Just increase your calorie intake slowly, until you notice a steady gain in weight, like maybe in 2 weeks u gain 1kg.

After your done with ur bulk, i reckon you will natural get leaner, because u will start eating lesser a bit and more muay thai, etc

it works for me anyway

good luck liam!

Idris said...
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Idris said...

Post on your progress man